WILLAMETTE VALLEY HOG®Chapter #4409, Eugene, Oregon

Meetings: 4th Tues. Each Month.

General Meeting7:00pm

Candice Baker

Colleen Minard

Gene Kimbley

Bernard "B" Gonzales
Assist. Director

Let's Plan Your Next Ride with World Class Friends

Dealer Gift Cards

Why guess what someone wants? Get them a gift you know they’ll love: a gift card to Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson®. They can be preloaded with any dollar amount to suit any occasion.

You choose any dollar amount.

(these are just examples)

Special "Spring" Deal at Willamette Valley H-D®

We're glad you've visited us! And to say thanks, we want to make it fun to go visit our dealer sponsor, Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson®. Drop by the shop on Tuesday and get 10% off on 1 Willamette Valley H-D® t-shirt, with the promo code provided below.


Got a case of the Tuesdays?
Tap to see how we can help.

The Deal

Mention the code 'Street Bob®', on any Tuesday, & get 10% off 1 Willamette Valley H-D® t-shirt!
(not combined with other offers)

Visit Another Sponsor's Website, Viking Bags link icon

We thank you for visiting our Chapter's web site, and hope you tour our other pages while you're here. Since you've made it this far, why not take a look at the latest photo feed from Harley-Davidson®.