Willamette Valley HOG
Thompson’s Mills
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesPatrick Casey will be leading us on a ride through the countryside to Thompson's Mills State Heritage Site, just east of Shedd. Thompson's Mills is the oldest existing water-powered grain mill in Oregon. This will be a brown bag lunch ride.
Pancake Breakfast
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesWe will be hosting a pancake breakfast from 10-noon at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson. We are also looking for volunteers to help with this event.
Officers Meeting
VFW POST 3965 5344 Main St, Springfield, OR, United StatesThe meeting is located at VFW Post, 5344 Main St. Springfield, OR 97478, 6:30 pm. Bikes park in back!
General Meeting
VFW POST 3965 5344 Main St, Springfield, OR, United StatesMeetings: 4th Tues. Each Month. VFW POST, 5344 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478. Dinner: 6:30pm General Meeting: 7:00pm
Pottsville Museum Run
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesWe will be heading down to Pottsville Historical Museum in Merlin for the Spring Swap Meet and Bike Show, sponsored by the Josephine County Chapter of A.B.A.T.E of Oregon Entry fee is $5. KSU 10AM. There will be vendors and food booths, or you can bring your own lunch.
Cinco de Mayo Ride
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesJeff will be leading us on a ride to Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant in Veneta for lunch. Meet at Willamette Valley H-D at 10:30, KSU 11AM.
Officers Meeting
VFW POST 3965 5344 Main St, Springfield, OR, United StatesThe meeting is located at VFW Post, 5344 Main St. Springfield, OR 97478, 6:30 pm. Bikes park in back!
Rhody Run
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesIt's time for the Rhododendron Festival! Meet at Willamette Valley H-D at 8:30 with a full tank and ready to ride. KSU 9AM.
General Meeting
VFW POST 3965 5344 Main St, Springfield, OR, United StatesMeetings: 4th Tues. Each Month. VFW POST, 5344 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478. Dinner: 6:30pm General Meeting: 7:00pm
Pat’s Ride to Takoda’s
Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson 86441 College View Rd., Eugene, OR, United StatesPat will be leading us out to Rainbow for lunch at Takoda's Restaurant. This is one of her favorite rides, and may be the last she leads for the Chapter before moving to Idaho. Meet at Willamette Valley H-D at 9:30AM, KSU 10AM.